Kegworth Players
Amateur Dramatic Society

Kegworth Players perform twice yearly, in May and November. Throughout the rest of the year we have:
A poetry group which meets once a month where people can read poems they have written or found on a chosen theme.
A monthly play reading group where we read a play. (Just reading - no acting required!)
We also take part in various village events.
A monthly social in The Red Lion pub on the High Street.
Our Social meetings have now changed to the first Wednesday day of each month.
You will still find us in the back room of the Red Lion in Kegworth from 8pm so come along and enjoy a drink, a natter and a catch up on all our future adventures. Everyone welcome whether you're a thespian or just want to be involved. We are always looking for new members and talents.
Kegworth Players are a small friendly amateur dramatics society based in Kegworth Village.
We were founded in 1947 by Margaret Wood, photographed below and have been staging plays most years since.